Monday, August 23, 2004

Another quick point about Jim Caple's inane editorial...

In it he all but declares the U.S. to be the replacement of the old Soviet Union as the bad guy everyone roots against in the Olympic games...

You know how some American fans mourn the good old Olympic days when we could root against the Soviet Bloc teams and look down on their athletes as chemically enhanced, government-controlled ogres? Well, guess what. With the BALCO scandal, the untold millions of dollars invested in the team and our athletes' lucrative salaries and endorsement packages, that's exactly how we must look now to a lot of smaller, poorer countries. Which is to say, everyone.

The title of his editorial alone speaks volumes: "No one's cheering for Team USA" Hey Jimmie! I am still cheering for the US. I still get a little misty when our athletes stand on the podium and the Star Spangled Banner (a jingoistic, warmongering song if every there was one!) plays while they raise Old Glory. Wallow in your self-laothing all you like Jimmie boy, I still chant USA! USA! USA! and love my country. This is why no one is watching the Olympics, it has become an excuse for lttle pissant nations to wag a disapproving finger at America. Take your fencing, 20K womens walk and team table tennis and shove them. We kick around everyone in every sport we care about. If table tennis were big in America we would have the best team out there. We still have the best basketball team around, talent wise, even though they utterly lack motivation and discipline. That is undoubtedly President Bush's fault as well.

Hey Jim! If we were the same kind of repressive regime as the Soviet Union, you would be spending the next 20 years in a North Dakota gulag. People hated the USSR because they were a repressive, imperialist state. People hate the US because our model works better than theirs. No one tried to sneak into the USSR because of all the wonderful opportunities, they tried like the dickens to get OUT! America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave, all the mroe so because we tolerate morons like Jim Caple.

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