Monday, May 03, 2004

The story you won't hear....

To listen to the Left you would think that Bob Woodward's new book proved every accusation they had thrown at Bush over the last few years. As the OpinionJournal points out, the opposite is true. Bush was skeptical of the WMD case until Tenet absolutely assured him "Don't worry, it's a slam dunk!"

Perhaps Bush was at fault for listening to the director of the CIA, just like his predecessor in the White House had done. After all: "The Clinton Administration bombed Iraq for four days in December 1998 based on that assessment."

In the end, the WMDs WERE there, as the dead Kurdish children in the streets proved. The question may be raised of what happened to them, especially given how long we waited before going into Iraq trying to get the UN to get off their collective duffs. Bush repeatedly warned Tenet to not embellish the story. We had solid reason to believe and still do, that Saddam had WMDs still in his possession and his refusal to allow inspections made it impossible to confirm their existence or destruction.

Pantywaists like John Kerry apparently would prefer we wait for the poison gas cloud to envelop Boston or the mushroom cloud to appear over Chicago before taking any action, and then only with a "by your leave" from Kofi Annan and the UN.

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