Friday, May 14, 2004

Here comes the condemnation…

American forces FINALLY moved into the "holy city" of Najaf today to root out radical Muslim leader Muqtada al-Sadr, one of the leaders in whipping up opposition to the U.S. liberation of Iraq. The real news should be why we waited so long to do so.

The poor dears had a couple of holes in one of the pagan shrines…" Four holes, each about 12 inches long and 8 inches wide, were visible on the golden dome of the Imam Ali mosque." The Muslims blame us for the damage, we blame the Muslims. Why do we care?

Do you suppose that any Muslim terrorist would care in the least if a Christian church or a Jewish synagogue were damaged in a bombing? Heck, that might be seen as a bonus! Quit inciting your people to blow themselves and U.S. soldiers up and you wouldn't get holes in your domes!

Some of the gunmen shouted "America is the enemy of God!". Why in the world do we treat these people with kid gloves? They hate us and nothing is going to change that other than mass conversion to Islam or the death of every Christian and Jew in the world. We should have taken this guy out weeks ago.

No doubt France will protest our entry into such a "holy" place. We ought to turn those tanks to the northwest and head for Paris..

Just kidding.


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