Thursday, April 29, 2004

Several writers like Albert Mohler have pointed to a series of articles in the Washington Post that look at the drastic differences between Bush country and Clinton country (even though Kerry is running, not Bill, it is still clearly Billary's show). The differences are dramatic...

I found it very interesting that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lives in the same San Fran neighborhood that the profiled liberal family lives in. I found this quote a riot:
>>> "Their neighborhood is filled with restaurants that are cafes, and stores that are boutiques, and their neighbors include straight people, gay people, rich people, homeless people, married people, single people, and the House minority leader, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D), who says of this place: "I think it is more American than most places in the country." <<<

So San Francisco is more American than the rest of America? Does she even realize how incredibly arrogant that sounds, and indeed is? There are huge stretches of America, entire states and regions that look nothing like San Francisco (and thanks be to God for that!). Outside of NY, LA, Boston and smaller liberal enclaves like Ann Arbor, MOST of the country does not look like San Francsico in the least.

Of course, the writer of the two pieces, David Finkle, predictably goes out of his way to portray the conservative family as hickish (Oooh, he owns guns and prays. He must be one of those fanatics from Texas like David Koresh!) and the liberal family as educated and worldly. In reality, most of the middle class folks I know are quite conservative on almost every social and fiscal issue, and are almost universally college educated.

There is a small fraction of America that really can be influenced in this election, and that 5-10% is where the election will be won or lost. Everything else is just preaching to the choir (a secular choir of course)

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