Friday, April 02, 2004

How can someone read an article like this and still think partial birth abortion is OK? How depraved must one's mind be?

This quote says it all:

"Casey asked Johnson if doctors tell a woman that the abortion procedure they might use includes ``sucking the brain out of the skull.''

``I don't think we would use those terms,'' Johnson said. ``I think we would probably use a term like 'decompression of the skull' or 'reducing the contents of the skull.'''

The judge responded, ``Make it nice and palatable so that they wouldn't understand what it's all about?''

Johnson, though, said doctors merely want to be sensitive.

``We try to do it in a way that's not offensive or gruesome or overly graphic for patients,'' Johnson said.

Wow, we wouldn't want to offend anyone. For all those who think this procedure is incrediby rare and thus not worthy of legislation, the AP reports that partial birth abortions make up "An estimated 2,200 to 5,000 such abortions are performed annually in the United States, out of 1.3 million total abortions."

As many as 5000 babies, inches from birth are murdered by crushing their heads. Or to be less effective "reducing the contents of the skull"

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