Friday, April 30, 2004

Brent Bozell is America's conservative media watchdog, a full time job given the leftist, secularist garbage that is spewed forth by Hollywood.

Bozell's latest column on looks at the show Judging Amy. I haven't ever seen it, but it looked pretty PC even from the commercials. As usual, the truth is even stranger.

You really need to click on the link above and read the whole column, but this is the gist of the story. In one episode, one family is refusing medical care for their autistic child because they are religious fruitcakes and sure enough it is discovered that their preacher is beating the poor child senseless. In the other plot-line a family is having their child christened and at every mention by the pastor of Jesus Christ or sin, the skeptical grandmother scoffs out loud at these ridiculous religious types and instead urges them to raise the child to be a "kind and tolerant person" (cause you know that no Christian is either kind or tolerant!). She is chastised by Amy because, what does it matter as Christianity is a bunch of "meaningless crapola" anyway.

The second episode he discusses portrays a wonderful fella that is a Catholic priest, who also happens to be a transvestite seeking a sex change. Of course, this is Hollywood, so the transvestite priest comes across as wise and understanding, in sharp contrast to all those straight Christians who are so hate filled and intolerant of men dressing like women and seeking surgical procedures to change their gender.

So here we have the Hollywood version of faith in America. Those who believe strongly in God, normal heterosexual, perhaps conservative people, are uptight, intolerant, hateful people who believe in some myth. People who engage in aberrant behavior, cross dress etc. are the truly wise and spiritual ones.

There is definitely some "crapola" here, but Hollywood is the one shoveling it.

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