Friday, April 23, 2004

Ah, the "non-partisan" media rears it ugly liberal head once more. From noted moderate Katie Couric:

>>> “Senator McCain, are you concerned that if the transfer of power does take place on June 30th that a huge vacuum will be created and it will be an invitation to civil war? Because no matter how deplorable Saddam Hussein was considered, he was the ultimate referee who kept the Sunnis and the Shiites apart from killing each other.”
— NBC’s Katie Couric to John McCain on Today, April 5. <<<

and her partner in crime Peter "Go back to Canada" Jennings:

>>> “I must say that from here this notion of having been liberated is also shared by Iraqis as something of a campaign of humiliation, and as you know, if you’ve been watching or listening to the news in the last several days, American civilians have been killed out here in some number in the last few days, [and] American soldiers and Marines continue to die.”
— ABC’s Peter Jennings in Baghdad on March 19, wrapping up live coverage of President Bush’s speech on the first anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. <<<

Ah, Saddam wasn't so bad after all. Even Hitler made the trains run on time! Humiliated? Like rape rooms, mass graves and people fed into wood chippers is a boost to self-esteem?

Click here for more liberal lunacy recorded by the Media Research Center. People still have the gall to say the media is not controlled by liberals. Unbelievable!

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