Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My goat either ate four bowling balls

...or she is ready to kid any time now. Hoping for triplets!


Bean said...

Poor mother goat, I am glad the temperatures are cooler for her. Baby goats are sooooooooo cute!!!! I remember calling my husband from the 4 H fair asking if we could bring home triplet kids, the kids and I fell in love with them as they were absolutely darling, my husband said no :)
Be sure to post pics of the babies.


John Mureiko said...

That's exciting! My brother has grown a nice little herd himself. The triplets have definitely grown it faster. :-) We love the goat meat too. Honestly, it doesn't taste any different from beef.

On the topic of farming, I'm starting a new little series at my site on how to start keeping bees. Hopefully it will be of some benefit to people.