Friday, September 30, 2011

We are not called to be rocking chair theologians

Here is another quote from Kraybill…
Jesus also invites us to join the basin trade. He invites us, however, to more than a periodic, ceremonial ritual. He invites us to follow him with lives of service and peacemaking. He calls us to be people of the basin, not saints who sit in rocking chairs pondering the mysteries of God’s salvation. (The Upside-Down Kingdom, pg. 246)
There is a lot of truth in that. In contrast to those who think that ever deeper study of theology is crucial form of worship, Kraybill is arguing that Jesus calls His people primarily to a ministry of towel and basin, of service in love to those in need. Washing feet is a lifestyle of service, not a once a year (if ever) ritual to be checked off of our religious checklist. It is hard to wash someone's feet with your nose stuck in a book!

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