Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do the Amish Tailgate?

Today is college football Saturday and I was down this morning looking at a house in a heavily Amish area. We saw a lot of Amish driving buggies and working in the fields but as we were leaving the small town we noticed a bunch of smoke coming from the parking lot of a hardware store. When we drove by it looked like there were at least half a dozen buggies parked in the lot and that the Amish men were manning grills and smokers. If they were tailgating, which teams would they root for?


  1. I'm guessing they root for Michigan State because of their Spartan lifestyle.

  2. Hey-O! Eric is here all week folks, try the veal!

  3. Arthur,

    Tailgating, in Australian lingo means, following the vehicle in front much too closely.

    Excuse my ignorance and explain what it means in the USA, please!

    Can you imagine what an amazing picture that generates when applied to Amish buggies :)

  4. Aussie John,

    It has dual meaning in the USA, it can mean following someone too closely (which would be equally funny!) but it also describes people getting together before a football game in the parking lot and typically barbecuing food and drinking large amounts of beer. It was the latter I was talking about, it looked all the world like a bunch of guys getting ready for some football except instead of wearing the jersey of their favorite team, they were all in black and instead of pickup trucks and SUVs, horse drawn buggies. I almost stopped to take a picture but didn't because the Amish don't like it.

  5. Arthur,

    Thank you for indulging me!
