Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A convicting decision

A Pilgrim's Progress: I've Resigned from Professional Pastoring

Talk is cheap but what do you do when you are faced with a difficult conclusion that is Scriptural but very, very hard? Check out what Eric Carpenter decided to do and please join me in praying for him and his family.

Maybe I can convince them to leave the sweltering south and move to Michigan?!


  1. Arthur,

    Thanks for the link. As for Michigan, I saw enough snow during the first 25 years of my life living near Buffalo, NY. I'll stick with the heat.

  2. Bobby7:01 PM

    Arthur, Even birds fly south when it gets cold. Part of God's perfect order :-) Eric, my phone won't allow me to post comments to your blog so I hope you read this here. As always you can count on our prayers and we look forward to assembling with you again soon to edify one another.

  3. How about we all meet in the middle, mid-MO?


  4. Bobby,

    Birds also eat worms and poop on cars, lets not use them as a guiding light for our behavior!

  5. Bobby8:35 PM

    Wise man once said: better to clean bird poop off car than shovel snow off driveway.

  6. If measured correctly, North Carolina is in the geographical center of everyone here and at Eric's blog and at my blog. So, we should all meet in NC. :)


  7. Like Abraham, Eric is walking by faith, not by sight, leaving Ur following God's specific instructions. This decision will pay great eternal dividends.

    One of the great discouragements is when the saints with whom you have ministered and shared life, the Word, and example refuse to join you in obeying the very clear instructions from God. Specially when they consider it "divisive".

    It is mystifying, but then I remember it took me many years to come clean with what God had been showing me for many years. It's easy for us who believe in absolute truth to relativize it for ourselves as in "God has called you to that but God has called us to this..." when God gave us all the same instructions and told to observe all of it. Matt 28:19,20.
