Thursday, June 17, 2010

When you are as holy as us, then you can criticize us!

Ok, I wasn't going to say anything else about the giant idol that burned in Southern Ohio but then I read this quote from Solid Rock church pastorette, um "co-pastor" Darlene Bishop regarding those who have the temerity to question the vast sums of money spent and about to be spent on their idol:

When people question the wisdom of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on such a structure, Bishop replies that the statute has drawn attention to Jesus, stimulated discussion about Jesus and attracted visitors to the church. Half the church's visitors who filled out comment cards acknowledge learning about the church by noticing the Jesus statue, Bishop said.

The church gives millions of dollars per year to charitable causes, and operates an inner-city-youth outreach program, Bishop said - and she sees the Jesus statue as just another tool to help reach people.

She fires back at those who criticize a large sum being spent on a statue: "I would like to ask them, 'How much money have you donated to charity this year?'...When they've done as much as Solid Rock, then they can criticize us."



  1. "Half the church's visitors who filled out comment cards acknowledge learning about the church by noticing the Jesus statue, Bishop said."

    People would just as easily have learned about the church if they put a statue of Zeus in front of it. Do public schools not teach logic anymore?

  2. I would rather they learned about the church by being Jesus themselves, rather than making a freaky looking Jesus-replica.

    Blasphemy knows no bounds in our modern age.
