Thursday, February 11, 2010

More than one way

I was just reading this on Albert Mohler's blog re: a new report out from the Presbyterian Church USA (emphasis added):

A majority of church members, pastors, elders, and specialized clergy describe themselves as moderate, liberal, or very liberal in theological outlook. Less than half of church members (44%) and elders (48%) report a conversion experience. Interestingly, ministers were not asked that question.

In general terms, elders were slightly more conservative in belief than other church members. Female pastors were significantly more likely (51%) than male pastors (23%) to identify themselves as liberal or very liberal. Among other ministers (identified as "specialized clergy"), 62% of females identified themselves as liberal or very liberal, compared to 45% of males.

Majorities of all groups indicated agreement with the statement, "There is life beyond death." But the most significant theological question concerned the exclusivity of the Gospel and the necessity of belief in Jesus Christ for salvation. On that question there was great division, with over a third (36%) of PCUSA church members indicating that they "disagree" or "strongly disagree" with the statement that "only followers of Jesus Christ can be saved."

Among ministers, the division is even more apparent, with 45% of pastors disagreeing with that statement and fully 60% of specialized clergy disagreeing. Roughly 20% of both pastors and specialized clergy reported themselves "neutral or unsure" about the question.

How tragic is that? I think I am more troubled by the 20% of pastors that are not sure about the issue of the exclusivity of salvation through Christ alone. How can you be a vocational minister, doing this for a living, and be "neutral or unsure" about the Gospel?

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  1. Being neutral seems to be the politically correct thing to do.
    Something Christians have no business partaking in, thats for sure!

    bet it often means job retention....

  2. Paula,

    I think you hit the nail on the head. When ministry becomes a job, sometimes you accommodate the bosses to keep your employment.

    What did Jesus say about being neutral? Something about being lukewarm and getting spit out of His mouth?
