Tuesday, February 03, 2009

America 2009

When corporate executives blow millions on parties, on redecorating offices, frivolous spending, private jets, etc. they are reviled in virtually every quarter and in some respects rightfully so. Everyone has an idea of how they should be punished for whatever the offense du jour is: caps on pay and bonuses, criminal prosecution, replacing the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay with Wall Street executives, being tarred and feathered or being drawn and quartered. Every newly born populist is lining up with a noose to tell them what a poor job they have done and why they deserve a dastardly fate. People who couldn’t tell which end of a spreadsheet was up have become experts on running corporations.

But on the other hand, when liberal politicians blow taxpayer money, cheat on their taxes, redecorate the White House, throw $150 million inaugurations/coronations/anointings, take junkets paid for by those same evil corporations, trade political favors like baseball cards, etc. they are cheered by the media as “doing something”. People really think that filthy rich liberals in Washington D.C., Hollywood and New York care about them. Guess what, Michael Moore doesn’t care about you. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care about you. Al Gore doesn’t care about you. At least the Wall Street executives look at you as customers. Liberal elites look at you as chattel, as sheep that are expected to bleat and follow your Marxist shepherds right over the cliff.

If Americans want to be outraged, let’s be outraged by those who take our tax dollars at gunpoint and then burn those hard earned dollars on billions in foolish spending and pork barrel projects. No one makes you buy a product or service from a private company, but the Internal Revenue service and law enforcement agencies across this land make darn sure you pay every nickel that Uncle Sam says you owe him. Everyone blames the executives for misappropriating the TARP money, but who voted to give it to them with no strings attached? The CEOs of Chase and Bank of America didn’t sneak into the U.S. Treasury and steal away sacks of money, they were written blank checks and now everyone is outraged. Be outraged at the knuckleheads who tripped over themselves to give away billions of dollars with no conditions, not at the bank executives.

I have been pretty down on the Republican Party but kudos to the House Republicans for doing the right thing and voting unanimously against this ridiculous “stimulus” bill that is going to accomplish little besides miring us deeper in debt and passing on a burden to future generations that they will be unable to pay. Between the massive debt we are about to incur and the government mandates that we are going to create, we are standing on the brink, one foot on the path that will lead inexorably to the twilight of American greatness. Future generations will not thank us for shaking our fists at Wall Street while we are being shaken down by Washington.


  1. Arthur, would you consider sending that to a local newspaper? The words God gives you are written so well, and explain so well, that I'm certain they would make people stop and perhaps apply their stilted thinking skills!!
    He is faithful,
    Bonnie Z.

  2. Hi Bonnie,

    I actually copy and paste my blog posts onto my blog at the Lansing State Journal. It pops up on the front page of their website and usually they garner lots of ugly commentary from people!

