Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nice political speech

But I thought it was supposed to be a prayer? Rick Warren asked for forgiveness for everything but our sins before God. At least he invoked Jesus in about a dozen different languages...


  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I have to say I was actually pleasantly surprised by his prayer. I still don't agree with most of his methods, and I hold little respect for the man, and I don't even think it was a "perfect" prayer. But I've got to give him props that it was unashamedly Christian. It got a little ecumenical at times (God loves everyone...even those who have chosen to be His enemies?), but at least he didn't pray to the "god of our many understandings." He was much less we-are-all-one than I thought he would be.

  2. The whole lead up to the prayer issue should have been quashed, I would have preferred he said "Why yes I will pray in the name of Jesus Christ as His name is the only name under heaven by which men are saved". Granted, I was happier to see Rick Warren give the invocation than Gene Robinson who couldn't give a Christian prayer because he isn't a Christian.

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    You mean you weren't horrified (as a Christian) at how "aggressively Christian" his prayer was? Oh, the humanity!
