Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is this an act of tolerance?

Steve and Paula Runyan: Our Church Fire

A couple I have "met" through blogging live in Wasilla, Alaska. Wasilla is recently famous for being the hometown of Sarah Palin and more recently for being the site of an act of hatred. The church, Wasilla Bible Church, was subjected to an act of arson. Accelerants were used and people were inside. This goes beyond mere arson into terrorism and attempted murder. No one has been charged yet, but you can bet that this will get special attention. Just wondering. Where is Jesse Jackson on site decrying this "hate crime"?Stop by and let the Runyans know you are praying for them. We will be. Pray also for those who did this, who have hearts full of hate, not against Christians, not against Sarah Palin but hatred towards themselves and toward God.

Ultimately, this act of evil will be used for good. A new building will be built. Worship will go on. Hopefully people will hear the Gospel who may otherwise not have.

God will be glorified.

"Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! (Luke 6:22 ESV)

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