Friday, September 05, 2008

Maybe it is because he has actually done something in his life

Obama: McCain focused on biography over economy

Well, it is little wonder that Obama doesn't speak about his biography when he hasn't really done anything. Some time in academia, some time as a rabble rouser...uh, I mean "community organizer", a stint in the Illinois State senate where his big accomplishment was to be in attendance and a woefully undistinguished partial term in the U.S. Senate. McCain on the other hand...well, let's just say that he has a bit more life experience, and that experience has formed who he is and what he stands for. Obama, bereft as he is of an meaningful experience in running anything, formulates his positions based on polls and liberal talking points. That is why his economic "plan" is to kick an economy in the teeth while it is struggling. What better way to improve the economy than to take even more money out of the private sector and the hands of citizens and give it to D.C. bureaucrats. Now that is hope and change we can believe in!

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