Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is Democracy dangerous to the soul?

That is the question posed on the latest The White Horse Inn, Vote for Jesus!

American pragmatism and wealth is certainly a barrier to Calvinism, and is inherently a problem for people seeking to Biblically witness, teach and evangelize. When a people are constantly told that America is a Christian nation, which it is not, filled with good people, which it is not, it is pretty hard to get them to believe that they are sinner in need of a savior. Democracy makes people self-reliant, which is the antithesis of what the Gospel says.

There was one great comment that hit the nail on the head. The discussion was around the American notion that the Bible says that God helps those who help themselves, and Ken Jones piped up that when people find out that God helps those who help themselves is not in the Bible, they declare that it should be!

A democratic republic is the best form of government in a world full of sinners, but we should never assume that democracy=Christianity.

In America, perhaps more than anywhere else, it is obvious that God is sovereign in salvation because only a sovereign God could make an American humble themselves as a sinner in need of a savior.

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