Friday, April 11, 2008

Opposing Hillary=Misogyny?

Apparently it does according to uber-weirdo Elton John. In a recent Reuters article, Clinton supporter Elton John laments U.S. misogyny, Elton John chastises anyone who doesn't wholeheartedly embrace Hillary as a backwards, woman hating Neanderthal:

At the fund-raiser which Clinton's campaign manager said raised $2.5 million, John said there was no one more qualified to lead the United States into the next era.

"Having said that, I never cease to be amazed at the misogynistic attitude of some people in this country. And I say to hell with them," he said, drawing cheers from the crowd at Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan.

"The reason I'm here tonight is to play music, but more importantly as someone who comes from abroad, and is in America quite a lot of the time (and) is extremely interested in the political process because it effects the whole world."

"I've always been a Hillary supporter," he said.

I love the not so subtle jab that because Elton John is not American, he sees the flaws of our country so much more clearly (but not so far as to turn down our money of course). Apparently it never occurred to Elton that people may not support Hillary because of her far left policies, or her questionable ethics or even just because she is a virulently unpleasant person. No, to the left if you oppose a liberal black, you are a racist. If you oppose a liberal woman, you are a misogynist. If you oppose a liberal Jew, you are anti-Semitic. If you oppose a liberal white guy, you are...well, you are just an idiot. This is part of why it is nigh impossible to have a conversation with most liberals. They are so caught up in their own self-importance that they cannot see the beyond the labels to the issues. Take your money and your fruity clothes and go back to England if you hate it here so much, we have plenty of nuts and fruits in our country as it is.

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