Thursday, March 13, 2008

What happens when emotion is pinned down by the Word of God

Many false belief systems rely on emotionalism to trump the plain teaching of the Word of God. It helps to avoid the serious questions when you can appeal to the sinner's emotion. Who wants dry, old, dusty teachings when I can feel good about myself? No false system encourages this more than mormonism. Watch the following video of Dr. James White cross-examining a mormon apologist. When forced to interact with the Biblical text, he is finally forced to admit that he doesn't know the answer, because (he doesn't say this) mormon beliefs have no standing when examined in light of the Word of God.

That is not to say that mormonism is the only system that does this. Any deviation from the Gospel is heresy, pure and simple. There is plenty of teaching going on the church that can fall under no other label other than heresy. The mission of the church is not merely a heresy hunt, sniffing out the slightest deviation in our ranks. In fact, as the Together for the Gospel statement makes clear we can have very strongly held beliefs and differing views on some matters of doctrine and still be united with one another in Christ. But whenever the Gospel is watered down, even slightly, whenever manmade doctrines slip in we need to be ready to give a defense, to show from the Scriptures where the error lies.

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