Monday, July 02, 2007

The "Book of Abraham" Exposed

The Book of Abraham contains much of the most distinct mormon doctrines, doctrines that frankly don't even show up in the Book of Mormon. Despite that, it is not something (at least when we joined) something that is given out to investigators. Unlike the book of mormon, you have to buy your own book of Abraham, normally as part of your "quad". One of the best books I have read on the falsehoods of mormonism is By His Own Hand Upon Papyrus, which shows definitively the lies of the "translation" of the book of Abraham. There is now an online video that covers much of this material, if you have an hour sit back and watch!

(Hat Tip: Mormon Coffee)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is definitley well-worth it... I am putting it on my blog