Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This is good stuff too!

Whenever an Arminian is confronted with the plain truth of Scripture regarding the sovereignity of God in salvation, they always fall back on a few verses like 2 Peter 3:9, give them an almost universalist spin and chant "all means all". This video is a great example of how looking at these verses in context does not prove Arminianis at all, in fact does just the opposite.


Anonymous said...

This movie is definitley a good tool that shows the exegetical fallacies of all 4 point Calvinists... I have it on my blog as well... Good post

Arthur Sido said...

Quite right. I don't get how people can abandon limited atonement, Calvinism without it doesn;t make much sense. Before the Incarnation, Christ knew all who were predestined to be His, so why would He atone for the sins of people who were not elected to be His? Unless one denies the nature of the atonement on the cross, and then I wonder if they understand ANY of the points of Calvinism!

Anonymous said...

Exactly! Four-pointers (except maybe Amyraldism) are merely Arminianis in sheep's clothing...

You can see that with their orthopraxy; while they claim Calvinism, they are functioning Arminians...

Also, I have found that if one distorts the Covenants as well, they have a faulty understanding of the atonement.

If Christ did not fulfill all the Covenants in His first Coming, He had no redemptive work...