Saturday, May 19, 2007

Methinks they doth protest too much...

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12: 2 ESV)

Kim at Life in a Shoe has posted again on the subject of homeschool, and was very gracious in my opinion.

What I find interesting is the comment section of her post. It gets a little heated, but the defensiveness of Christian parents who send their children to public school seems a bit over the top. (I addressed a number of the arguments regarding those who oppose homeschooling in a previous post here. ) The arguments in these comments that bother me the most are those that claim because the Bible does not specifically say that we should homeschool our kids, then we therefore should send our children to public school, as if that is the default position. That is always an intellectually dishonest position, like saying that because the Bible does not say that we shouldn't baptize infants, we ought to automatically assume that we do. The Bible is replete with admonitions to raise up our children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord, and yet many seem perfectly content to subcontract that to a secular, God denying organization and hope that a couple of hours of church on Sunday and whatever activities we can squeeze in will offset the secularization that they are forced fed 40 hours a week. Public school is not the default position, and trying to argue from silence in the Bible is silly and deceptive.

Public schools seek to mold children to be conformed to this world, and that is strictly contrary to the Word of God.

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