Tuesday, February 13, 2007

More on the topic of homosexuality and Christianity...

Dr. Albert Mohler comments here on an article in the Guardian of London. A guy named Theo Hobsob makes the claim in his editorial A Pink Reformation that the Christian stance against homosexuality is destroying the church

So the issue of homosexuality has the strange power to turn the moral tables. The traditional moralist is subject to accusations of immorality. And this inversion is doing terrible damage to the Christian churches.

This of course ignores the Biblical promise that Christ's church will always stand, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, or the wrath of the sodomites for that matter.

Dr. Mohler makes this sobering statement...

The church may well lose this debate within the culture, and thus find itself suffering what the world sees as a credibility crisis, but it cannot abandon the Scriptures or deny its Lord. Scriptural credibility is infinitely more important than cultural credibility.

Too many in the church find cultural acceptance more important than Biblical fidelity. Better to lose battles in the culture war than losing the culture war because we surrendered. Christianity cannot become a Vichy France in this war.

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