Sunday, November 07, 2004

Overreact much?

I am sure the media will make a big deal of this. Apparently some dude snuck into Ground Zero in Manhattan and offed himself. He was supposedly distraught over Bush winning. He didn't leave a note (real smart if you are making a point) but his friends are sure he was totally bummed about Bush being reelected...

Friends said Veal worked in a computer lab at the University of Georgia and was planning to marry.

"I'm absolutely sure it's a protest," Mary Anne Mauney, Veal's supervisor at the lab, told The Daily News. "I don't know what made him commit suicide, but where he did it was symbolic."

Now, I would have been upset had Kerry won. Very upset. I sure wouldn't kill myself or move to Canada. This will no doubt be shoved at Bush as evidence of how "divisive: he is. Fact is, the guy must have been a bit wacked anyway. Sorry to sound callous, but let's keep some perspective here. I am sure his fiancee is pleased that he future husband cared so little about her that he would kill himself over an election.

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