Thursday, August 19, 2004

Boo hoo!

Poor John Kerry. He comes to Cinci (the most conservative city in Ohio) and speaks to the VFW convention. This is the same convention that enthusiatically greeted Bush on Monday. Apparently not all the vets were keen on applauding a guy who weasled out of Vietnam after 4 months, spread lies about his fellow soldiers still in the field getting shot at while he was in the states and basically voted to defund the military as much as possible during his Senate career. The American Spectator has the following story:

Sen. John Kerry is said by several advance staffers to have been visibly upset at the reception he received at the VFW convention on Wednesday in Cincinnati. "He was upset after the speech, visibly upset when he was out of public view," says a Kerry adviser, confirming the story.

Kerry was greeted by polite applause in the large auditorium, with many VFW members sitting with their arms crossed and not applauding at all. A few VFW members stood in the rear of the room with their backs turned to the dais. Kerry appeared thrown by the reception, giving a flat, sometimes-meandering speech that was intended to be a strong rebuttal of President Bush's announced troop pullback in Europe and Korea.

Here is a newsflash Johnnie-come-lately: People who vote for you in November are not voting for you because they like you. They are voting for you in spite of your nasty personality because they are voting AGAINST Bush!

Kerry went on to prove that he categorically is anti-Bush no matter what, complaining about the troop removals from Europe and Korea that are one of the smartest moves yet. Why have troops facing off against a Red Army that no longer exists? Maybe Kerry is afraid the Huns will attack Rome again? South Korea has plenty of money and people, and hates our guts so I say get them out of there and let the Koreans defend themselves against the madman. Kerry is so blindly opposed to Bush that even the most sensible policy suggestions are attacked as mean-spirited/angering our former allies/damaging good will etc.

What a tool.

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