Monday, May 03, 2004

A tale of two commentaries...

The Jesus factor ran on PBS last Friday to generally, but not universallly, positivie reviews from conservatives. David Horowitz ran a peice entitled "Guided by God, or Guided by his Gonads?" that lambasted the PBS special as a hatchet job on Bush and Christians in general, using his trademark biting rhetoric:

>>>"The one good thing one could say about this documentary was that the spokesmen for the evangelicals were articulate and one of them did point out that refusing to recognize evil in this world is a hallmark of the political left. He was too gracious to add the reason for this, which is that the left has so often been (and in the war on terror so obviously is) itself in bed with evil.<<<

>>>Watching “The Jesus Factor” on PBS I could only think: God bless George Bush, a man responsible to the millions of people all over the world whose fates have been entrusted to him, and whose faith reminds him that he is accountable to them all. God help liberal bigots who have no faith but themselves and whose prejudice and hatred is reserved for those who defend them. <<<

David never pulls his punches!

On the other hand, Albert Mohler ran a generally positive piece...

>>>"The Jesus Factor" presented a fascinating and generally fair analysis of President George W. Bush, his personal faith, and the public role of evangelicals in America. At the same time, the program should serve to remind conservative Christians that we are considered something of an exotic tribe that continually requires analysis and interpretation. In other words, the cultural elite--as well represented by PBS and its media allies--get interested in evangelical Christians when we dare to intrude into the public debate on issues of politics and morality. PBS should be congratulated for its fairness as represented in this documentary. Perhaps the experience will encourage the media elite to become a little more closely acquainted with the faith and worldview held by vast millions of Americans.<<<

I imagine Mohler is closer on, we can never expect a totally fair assesment from the secualr media, but it also shows how scared they are that believers will continue to be a potent political force in America. Nothing could be more horrifying to the secular left!

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