Monday, May 10, 2004

One of my pet peeves as a Southern Baptist is the rather indifferent way we treat membership in our churches. As many have put it, once you walk the aisle and get dunked you are in like flint, with nary a hint of church discpline. This is a quick hit on a new website I came across, but I like it!

>>>the most critical issue facing Southern Baptists today. It really has three aspects: (1) We allow virtually anyone willing to walk an aisle, say acceptable words, and be baptized to become members of our churches. This dilutes, as Whitney said, our message and liberalizes our message. (2) Once on a church role, the only means of removal at most SBC churches are death or voluntary withdrawal ... the latter usually due to moving to another area. This allows non-participating “members” to swing the outcome when a contentious issue comes up. (3) Because we allow the unregenerate to be full members, sin abounds and pastors fear to address it. It is only the rare SBC church that exercises church discipline.

To remedy this situation: Churches must counsel would-be members to be sure they are regenerate before they are admitted to full membership. Church rolls must be regularly purged of non- or only very occasional participants. Pastors must not shy from addressing prevalent sins, and churches must exercise loving church discipline per Matthew 18.<<<

I say amen to that! We have too many "members" who never show up, never serve in church and certainly don't financially support the local church or our missions programs. If the church doesn't gently rebuke those in sin within it's midst, what good is it? I am not advocating a mormon type annual inquisition by the bishop to determine temple worthiness but at least paying attention would help and perhaps give some spine to many pastors who fear "CONTROVERSY"!

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