Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Local Congressman Rob Portman was taking John Kerry to task for his miserable record on defense appropriations as a Senator. As usual, here was the response from Kerry spokeswoman Kathy Roeder: "John Kerry served in Vietnam. He's a decorated war hero. He's been shot at. He's 100 percent committed to defending our troops and making sure they have the weapons they need,"

Wow, Kerry served in Vietnam! Who woulda thunk it!

I loved the response from Douglas R. Roulstone, a retired U.S. Navy captain: ""I think he's a great patriot. He has a proud war record that veterans can get behind," Roulstone said. "But his record since that time, in protesting the Vietnam War and in voting down crucial weapons systems - I'm a businessman, and what I want to know is, what has he done for us lately?"

Beautiful! No one is saying that Kerry didn't serve more or less admirably in Vietnam. What we are looking at are his actions in the 30 years since Vietnam. If his only qualification for President was serving in Vietnam, the homeless guy outside of our Starbucks is equally qualified.

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