Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Just when it seemed abortion couldn't be any more horrific...

WORLD Magazine is running an article about the partial birth abortion case that is shocking for two reasons. First, the absolute inhuman treatment of these children at the hands of "doctors". Second is the utter lack of coverage by the mainstream media. WORLD points out that some judges, like the one in (surprise, surprise) San Francisco that allows medical jargon to be used in court to hide the gruesome details...

"One abortionist, for example, spoke of "separating the fetal calvarium from the fetal body"—in other words, decapitating the baby that has already been delivered outside the mother's uterus. And the judge himself speaks of "disarticulating" a baby, rather than "dismembering" or cutting her in pieces."

Another quote in the article shows that abortionists know full well what they are doing...

"Judge Casey's probing questions and his insistence on plain—even graphic—language has at times caused strain in the courtroom. "Do you tell the mother the fetus will feel pain?" he asked the NAF abortionist on April 5.

"I have never talked to a fetus," she snapped.

"I did not ask you that," the judge pressed on. "Do you ever tell the mother?"

At that point, according to Mr. Sekulow, the witness became "very angry" and raised her voice in response to the judge. "That is what I tell my patients, I'm sorry! ... I do not believe the fetus feels pain, so I do not tell them that." Did she ever bother to read the literature on fetal pain, the judge wanted to know? She admitted that she had not."

You can read the whole article by clicking here.

Even as much time as we have spent on the abortion issue is not enough. Every day that we allow this scourge to continue is a day we have blood on our hands. The time has come to say "enough!"

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