Friday, March 25, 2011

Intellectual versus practical universalism

Watch this interesting video from David Platt...

Do We Really Believe What We're Saying? from The Church at Brook Hills on Vimeo.

I think he makes an important point. We can reject the doctrine of universalism but act in our own lives in a way that implies universalism. What do you think?

1 comment:

Tim A said...

Brother Platt is a very sincere institutionalized pastor asking a very powerful question if we really believe so many millions who have not heard about their sin and God's offer of forgiveness. It was on this basis that I decided it was far less important for me to pay to have a hired Bible lecturer deliver a sermon to me each week and far more important to devote those financial resources to send messengers to the lost who have no one to tell them. I realized I was devoting 75% of my "giving" to buy institutionalized forms for me and other rich believers who have already heard 1000+ sermons and are doing very little with it. Maybe this brother should take up marketplace ministry and challenge the saints around him to devote 100% of their giving to reach the unreached and devote 100% of their gathering time to "spurring one another on to love and good works" which can be done for free.

Is that too much to ask of brother Platt? He would experience so much greater freedom and reward as laid out by Paul in 1 Cor. 9 in "refusing" the "right to be paid". What a radical thought. Eric Carpenter and others have set a powerful, faith filled example for him to follow.